Get Involved With Ag Week
Are you looking to get involved in Ag Week and help engage, educate, and inspire? Look no further! We have all the information below you need to understand avenues of supporting Ag Week. Contact us using the button below to see if your group a good fit for Ag Week. Let's work together to promote agriculture and its importance in our daily lives.
Attend Ag Week
If you're looking for an opportunity to educate the Purdue community and engage with students, having a booth at one of our events might be the perfect opportunity. Contact us if you're interested and we will provide you with more information.
Speak on Our Growing Podcast
Are you an expert in the agricultural industry? Do you have valuable insights to share about farming the future? We're always looking for speakers to join us. Contact us today to discuss the opportunity.
By participating in sponsorship of Ag Week, there are many benefits included depending on your chosen sponsorship level. If interested in supporting Ag Week through donations or monetary support, please contact us to learn more.